In the web 2.0 times we currently live in, this may seem like a dead giveaway, yet many bloggers don’t take full advantage of it. Make sure you use the social networks and take advantage of the sites that are most advantageous to you. Create a Facebook fan page, develop a fan base on Twitter and promote your blog on these social outlets.
2. Article Submission
Similar to social networking, article submission is another way to get your blog in front of more eyes.
Stumbleupon appears to be the best place for submitting blog posts, but other good submission sites include
Sphinn and
Mixx. This also has SEO value by building links.
3. Guest and sponsored posting
This can have a couple different benefits for your blog. By having guests posts, the guest often promotes their posts, and therefore your blog, through their different networks. Depending on the authority and size of your blog, you can often charge a rate for sponsored posts.
4. Optimize your content
You should check your search engine rankings every few weeks to see where you stand and continually look at ways you can rank higher by including new keywords and stregthening your current keywords.
5. Participate in blog carnivals
You can often participate in at least one blog carnival on a monthly, if not a weekly basis. These offer dual purposes, as they build links and promote your blog.
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