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The 5 Smartest Non-Primates on the Planet

Written By Unknown on Friday, 13 September 2013 | 01:04:00

We humans tend to think we're pretty smart. We've got descriptive language. We've got art and can build museums in which to showcase it. The flip side, of course, is that we've also learned to build bombs. But as we learn more about the rest of the animal world, it's becoming pretty clear that other beasts are pretty darn intelligent. Chimpanzees, bonobos and other primates and great apes get a lot of recognition for their brains, but for this list, we're looking a little farther afield in the ocean, on farms for the smartest non-primates.

Pigs Neat human trick:

As it turns out, being piggy is actually a pretty smart tactic pigs are probably the most intelligent domesticated animal on the planet. Although their raw intelligence is most likely commensurate with a dog or cat, their problem-solving abilities top those of felines and canine pals.

One study showed that domestic pigs can quickly learn how mirrors work and will use their understanding of reflected images to scope out their surroundings for food. The researchers cannot yet say whether the animals realize that the eyes in the mirror are their own, or whether pigs might rank with apes, dolphins and other species that have passed the famed mirror self-recognition test thought to be a marker of self-awareness and advanced intelligence.

In a 1990s experiment, pigs were trained to move a cursor on a video screen with their snouts and used the cursor to distinguish between scribbles they knew and those they were seeing for the first time. They learned the task as quickly as chimpanzees.

Octopuses Neat human trick:

If pigs are the most intelligent of the domesticated species, octopuses take the cake for invertebrates. Experiments in maze and problem-solving have shown that they have both short-term and long-term memory. Octopuses can open jars, squeeze through tiny openings, and hop from cage to cage for a snack. They can also be trained to distinguish between different shapes and patterns. In a kind of play-like activity one of the hallmarks of higher intelligence species octopuses have been observed repeatedly releasing bottles or toys into a circular current in their aquariums and then catching them.

The octopus is the only invertebrate which has been shown to use tools. At least four specimens have been witnessed retrieving discarded coconut shells, manipulating them, and then reassembling them to use as shelter.

Crows Neat human trick:

In many branches of mythology, the crow plays a shrewd trickster, and in the real world, crows are proving to be quite a clever species. Crows have been found to engage in feats such as tool use, the ability to hide and store food from season to season, episodic-like memory, and the ability to use personal experience to predict future conditions.

One species, the New Caledonian Crow, has been witnessed using knife-like tools cut from stiff leaves, and it will drop tough nuts onto streets busy with cars to smash them open. Crows in Queensland, Australia, have even learned how to safely eat a species of toxic cane toad. They flip the frog on its back and stab its throat, where its poisonous skin is the thinnest, in order to munch on the non-toxic innards.

Recent research suggests that crows have the ability to recognize one individual human from another by facial features, and that they can remember human faces for years. So be careful when you cross a crow.

Dolphins Neat human trick:

Dolphins are among the smartest of the animal kingdom, partly because they live such social lives. They're also thought to have a sophisticated "language," though humans have only begun to unravel it. Dolphins use tools in their natural environment and can learn an impressive array of behavioral commands from human trainers. Like many of the most intelligent animals on Earth, female dolphins remain with their young for several years, teaching them all the tricks of the dolphin trade. Recent tests show that dolphins understand numbers of things, and they have displayed self-recognition a feat reserved for animals of the highest smarts.

As of 2005, scientists have observed groups of bottlenose dolphins around the Pacific Ocean using a basic tool. When searching for food on the sea floor, many of these dolphins were seen tearing off pieces of sea sponge and wrapping them around their "bottle nose" to prevent abrasions.

Elephants Neat human trick:

Elephants top our list of the wisest non-primates. They live in close-knit societies with an intricate social hierarchy. Elephants also exhibit altruism toward other animals, and pregnant females have learned how to eat particular leaves to induce labor.

They can also use tools and quickly adapt to new situations elephants have also been known to drop very large rocks onto an electric fence either to ruin the fence or to cut off the electricity. A 2010 experiment revealed that in order to reach food, "elephants can learn to coordinate with a partner in a task requiring two individuals to simultaneously pull two ends of the same rope to obtain a reward", putting them on an equal footing with chimpanzees in terms of their level of cooperative skills.

But what really sets elephants apart is their complex death rituals; other than elephants, humans and Neanderthals are the only animals known to pay respects to the dead. Often, elephants will gently investigate the bones of the newly deceased with their trunks and feet while staying very quiet. Sometimes elephants that are completely unrelated to the deceased will still visit their graves.

In the recent study, the elephants even figured out ways that the researchers hadn't previously considered to obtain food rewards. Outsmarting the humans? Not just for the apes anymore.

source : Livescience.com
01:04:00 | 2 comments | Read More

Jika Tiba-tiba Anda Susah Tidur atau Jadi Pendengkur

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 8 September 2013 | 10:36:00

Waspadalah jika Anda tiba-tiba menjadi pendengkur saat tidur,  mengalami kesulitan tidur, atau sering terbangun dengan perasaan lelah. Sebuah studi terbaru menunjukkan mereka menghadapi peningkatan risiko penyakit jantung dan masalah kesehatan lainnya.

Dalam studi tersebut, peneliti di University of Pittsburgh meminta lebih dari 800 orang berusia antara  45 - 74 tahun tentang kualitas tidur mereka. Tiga tahun kemudian, orang-orang yang melaporkan mendengkur keras lebih dari dua kali lebih mungkin memiliki sindrom metabolik - sekelompok faktor risiko penyakit jantung, diabetes, dan stroke yang mencakup tekanan darah tinggi, gula darah tinggi, rendahnya kolesterol baik, trigliserida tinggi, dan lemak perut berlebihan.

Orang-orang yang mengalami kesulitan tidur atau terbangun dengan perasaan tak segar sedikitnya tiga kali per minggu sekitar 80 persen dan 70 persen lebih mungkin dibandingkan mereka yang tidur tenang untuk mengembangkan tiga atau lebih dari faktor risiko. Seseorang harus memiliki tiga dari lima faktor risiko untuk mendapatkan diagnosis sindrom metabolik.

"Masalah tidur adalah  sebuah masalah besar," kata Jordan Josephson MD, spesialis THT di Lenox Hill Hospital, di New York City. "Gangguan tidur  buruk bagi jantung, buruk untuk diabetes, dan kerap memicu serangan jantung dan stroke ... pada gilirannya akan mempersingkat hidup Anda.." Josephson sendiri tidak terlibat dalam penelitian itu.

Secara keseluruhan, 14 persen dari peserta penelitian terbukti mengalami sindrom metabolik. Keturunan Afrika lebih rentan dibandingkan kulit putih, seperti juga orang-orang yang diam dibandingkan dengan mereka yang aktif secara fisik.

Penemuan, yang dimuat dalam jurnal Sleep, hampir sama dengan studi sebelumnya yang telah menunjukkan hubungan antara kesulitan tidur dan masalah kesehatan seperti obesitas dan tekanan darah tinggi. Tapi ini adalah studi pertama yang mengikuti orang dengan masalah tidur dari waktu ke waktu untuk melihat apakah mereka mengembangkan sindrom metabolik atau tidak.

Virend Somers MD, seorang profesor kedokteran di Mayo Clinic, di Rochester, Minnesota, mengatakan bahwa kurang tidur adalah "epidemi" yang "hampir secara paralel" dengan epidemi obesitas dan kenaikan  faktor risiko penyakit jantung dan diabetes.
10:36:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Manfaat Posisi Tidur Miring ke Kanan

Tidur dengan posisi miring ke kanan merupakan posisi tidur yang benar dan tepat. Ukuran paru-paru sebelah kiri lebih kecil daripada paru-paru sebelah kanan. Karena itu, jantung menahan beban yang lebih sedikit dan lever pun berada dalam kondisi stabil dan tidak menggantung. Lambung juga berada dalam kondisi nyaman. Posisi seperti ini membantu mempercepat proses pengosongan lambung.

Tidur dengan posisi miring ke kanan merupakan praktik kedokteran yang paling berhasil. Posisi ini juga memudahkan sekresi yang berupa cairan lendir pada bronkus (cabang paru-paru) sebelah kiri.

Tidur dengan posisi miring ke kanan sehat mempunyai manfaat kesehatan, ada juga nih manfaat lainnya. Yuk kita simak

Meningkatkan waktu penyerapan zat gizi.

Saat tidur pergerakan usus menigkat. Dengan posisi sebelah kanan, maka perjalanan makan yang telah tercerna dan siap di serap akan menjadi lebih lama, hal ini disebabkan posisi usus halus hingga usus besar ada dibawah. Waktu yang lama selama tidur memungkinkan penyerapan bias optimal.

Menjaga kesehatan paru-paru.

Paru-paru kiri lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan paru-paru kanan. Jika tidur miring ke sebelah kanan, jantung akan condong ke sebelah kanan. Hal ini tidak menjadi masalah karena paru-paru kanan lebih besar. Lain halnya jika bertumpu pada sebelah kiri, jantung akan menekan paru-paru kiri yang berukuran kecil, tentu ini sangat tidak baik

Menjaga saluran pernafasan.

Tidur miring mencegah jatuhnya lidah ke pangkal yang dapat mengganggu saluran pernafasan. Tidur dengan posisi telentang, mengakibatkan saluran pernafasan terhalang oleh lidah. Yang juga mengakibatkan seseorang mendengkur. Orang yang mendengkur saat tidur menyebabkan tubuh kekurangan oksigen. Bahkan terkadang dapat mengakibatkan terhentinya nafas untuk beberapa detik yang akan membangunkannya dari tidur. Orang tersebut biasanya akan bangun dengan keadaan pusing karena kurangnya oksigen yang masuk ke otak. Tentunya ini sangat mengganggu kualitas tidur.

Mengurangi beban jantung. 

Posisi tidur kesebelah kanan yang rata memungkinkan cairan tubuh ( darah )terdistribusi merata dan terkonsentrasi di sebelah kanan ( bawah ). Hal ini akan menyebabkan beban aliran darah yang masuk dan keluar jantung lebih rendah. Dampak posisi ini adalah denyut jantung menjadi lebih lambat, tekanan darah juga akan menurun. Kondisi ini akan membantu kualitas tidur.

Merangsang buang air besar

Dengan tidur miring ke sebelah kanan , proses pengisian usus besar sigmoid (sebelum anus) akan lebih cepat penuh, jika sudah penuh akan merangsang gerak usus besar diikuti relaksasi dari otot anus sehingga mudah buang air Besar.

10:22:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Beda Budaya, Beda Juga Kebiasaan Tidurnya

Hasil survei menunjukkan, orang Amerika dan Jepang tidur 30-40 menit lebih singkat di hari kerja dibandingkan dengan orang di negara lain.

Kebiasaan tidur mungkin dipengaruhi oleh budaya tempat kita tinggal. Sebuah survei internasional baru mengungkap, kebiasaan tidur orang-orang sangat beragam di seluruh dunia, tergantung tempat tinggal mereka.

Sebagai contoh, orang yang tinggal di Amerika Serikat dan Jepang cenderung memiliki waktu tidur yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan mereka yang tinggal di Kanada, Jerman, Meksiko, dan Inggris.

Hasil survei menunjukkan, orang Amerika dan Jepang tidur 30-40 menit lebih singkat di hari kerja dibandingkan dengan orang di negara-negara lain. Rata-rata mereka tidur enam jam 31 menit dan enam jam 22 menit.

Survei yang dilakukan oleh National Sleep Foundation tersebut mengungkap, orang Amerika merupakan bangsa yang paling kurang tidur dibandingkan dengan Jepang, Inggris, Meksiko, Jerman, dan Kanada. Sekitar 21 persen orang Amerika mengaku hanya tidur kurang dari enam jam selama hari kerja.

Survei juga menemukan, dua pertiga orang Jepang (66 persen) tidur kurang dari tujuh jam pada hari kerja. Sementara AS 53 persen, Inggris 39 persen, Jerman 36 persen, Kanada (30 persen), dan Meksiko 29 persen.

Untuk mencukupi kebutuhan tidur mereka yang kurang, 51 persen orang Amerika dan Jepang mengaku tidur siang satu hari dalam dua minggu terakhir. Orang dari negara lain yang disurvei mengatakan, mereka mengganti tidur mereka di akhir pekan dengan rata-rata 45 menit waktu tidur ekstra.

Survei tersebut mengungkap perbedaan budaya keenam negara menentukan ritual sebelum tidur ikut mempengaruhi kemampuan tidur mereka. Misalnya, 62 persen orang Meksiko dan hampir 47 persen orang Amerika melakukan meditasi dan berdoa di jam-jam menjelang tidur. Di Inggris, 43 persen mengaku minum minuman rileksasi, seperti teh, sebelum tidur. Tiga puluh persen juga mengaku tidur dalam keadaan tanpa busana.

Menonton televisi sebelum tidur merupakan aktivitas sebelum tidur yang paling umum dilakukan. Antara 66 persen dan 80 persen orang di seluruh negara yang disurvei mengatakan, mereka menonton TV sebelum tidur.

Naomi Goel, peneliti sekaligus profesor psikiatri di University of Pennsylvania mengatakan, sebagai survei internasional pertama yang membahas soal kebiasaan tidur, hasil ini memiliki kontribusi penting pada dunia ilmu pengetahuan.

"Meski kita tahu, semua orang butuh tidur, namun perbedaan budaya dari beberapa negara tentang kebiasaan tidur belum dieksplorasi dengan adekuat," ujarnya.

Sumber : NatgeoIndonesia
10:06:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Why Some Remember Dreams, Others Don't

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 | 15:07:00

People who tend to remember their dreams also respond more strongly than others to hearing their name when they're awake, new research suggests.

Everyone dreams during sleep, but not everyone recalls the mental escapade the next day, and scientists aren't sure why some people remember more than others.

To find out, researchers used electroencephalography to record the electrical activity in the brains of 36 people while the participants listened to background tunes, and occasionally heard their own first name. The brain measurements were taken during wakefulness and sleep. Half of the participants were called high recallers, because they reported remembering their dreams almost every day, whereas the other half, low recallers, said they only remembered their dreams once or twice a month.

When asleep, both groups showed similar changes in brain activity in response to hearing their names, which were played quietly enough not to wake them.

However, when awake, high recallers showed a more sustained decrease in a brain wave called the alpha wave when they heard their names, compared with the low recallers.

"It was quite surprising to see a difference between the groups during wakefulness," said study researcher Perrine Ruby, neuroscientist at Lyon Neuroscience Research Center in France.

The difference could reflect variations in the brains of high and low recallers that could have a role in how they dream, too, Ruby said. [7 Mind-Bending Facts About Dreams]

Who remembers their dreams

A well-established theory suggests that a decrease in the alpha wave is a sign that brain regions are being inhibited from responding to outside stimuli. Studies show that when people hear a sudden sound or open their eyes, and more brain regions become active, the alpha wave is reduced.

In the study, as predicted, both groups showed a decrease in the alpha wave when they heard their names while awake. But high recallers showed a more prolonged decrease, which may be a sign their brains became more widely activated when they heard their names.

In other words, high recallers may engage more brain regions when processing sounds while awake, compared with low recallers, the researchers said.

While people are asleep, the alpha wave behaves in the opposite way —it increases when a sudden sound is heard. Scientists aren't certain why this happens, but one idea is that it protects the brain from being interrupted by sounds during sleep, Ruby said.

Indeed, the study participants showed an increase in the alpha wave in response to sounds during sleep, and there was no difference between the groups.

One possibility to explain the lack of difference, the researchers said, could be that perhaps high recallers had a larger increase in alpha waves, but it was so high that they woke up.

Time spent awake, during the night

The researchers saw that high recallers awoke more frequently during the night. They were awake, on average, for 30 minutes during the night, whereas low recallers were awake for 14 minutes. However, Ruby said "both figures are in the normal range, it’s not that there’s something wrong with either group."

Altogether, the results suggest the brain of high recallers may be more reactive to stimuli such as sounds, which could make them wake up more easily. It is more likely a person would remember their dreams if they are awakened immediately after one, Ruby said.

However, waking up at night can account for only a part of the differences people show in remembering dreams. "There's still much more to understand," she said.

The study is published online today (Aug. 13) in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

Source : Livescience.com
15:07:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Makanan Yang Boleh dan Jangan Dikonsumsi Saat Haid

Menstruasi sering kali menyiksa sebagian besar wanita. Perut keram, mual, emosi naik turun dan nyeri kepala merupakan gejala yang seringkali dialami. Beberapa jenis makanan dan minuman diyakini dapat memberikan pengaruh baik pada siklus menstruasi. Namun ada beberapa makanan juga yang sebaiknya dihindari. Seperti yang dikutip dari sheknows, berikut makanan dan minuman yang boleh dan jangan dikonsumsi saat haid.

1. Makan Karbohidrat Kompleks
Menurut Tari Rose, seorang konsultan kesehatan dan fitnes, "buah, sayuran dan makanan yang terbuat dari gandum adalah teman terbaik Anda sepanjang waktu, terutama saat haid. Gula dari buah dapat bantu mengurangi ketagihan akan gula."

2. Hindari Meminum Kafein
Tidak mengonsumsi kafein dapat bantu megurangi kembung di perut. "Kafein dapat meningkatkan asam lambung dan bisa berakibat buruk pada usus yang sensitif," ujar koki profesional dan pakar hidup sehat, Jennifer Iserloh.

3. Makan Makanan Berkalsium Tinggi
Menurut pakar kesehatan holistik dan ahli gizi, Latham Thomas, wanita membutuhkan setidaknya 1.200 mg kalsium tiap harinya. "Beberapa sumber kalsium yang baik adalah brokoli dan yogurt."

4. Jangan Makan Terlalu Banyak Garam
Garam yang berlebihan dapat membuat perut kembung. Iserloh menyarankan untuk sebaiknya mengonsumsi garam 2.300 mg tiap harinya atau setara dengan 1 sendok teh garam. "Cara terbaik mengurangi garam adalah dengan tidak memakan junk food yang mengandung tiga sampai empat sendok garam untuk satu makanan," jelas Iserloh lagi.

5. Manjakan Diri dengan Dark Chocolate
Menurut Rose, sepotong dark chocolate (dengan kandungan biji kakao 60% atau lebih) setiap hari selama haid dapat menahan nafsu makan. Selain itu, dark chocolate mengandung antioksidan yang dapat meningkatkan serotonin, yang bergunan memperbaiki mood Anda.

6. Lebih Banyak Mengonsumsi Air Mineral
Rose menjelaskan bahwa meminum lebih banyak air akan bantu tubuh menyimpan air dan menurangi kembung. "Tubuh Anda menyimpan air karena takut tidak mendapatkan cairan yang cukup. Jadi, jika Anda meminum air, maka air yang 'ditahan' akan berganti dan dikeluarkan tubuh."

7. Makan Makana Kaya Manesium
"Makanan yang kaya akan magnesium seperti kacang, tahu dan kacang tanah diperkirakan dapat mengurangi kembung ketika sedang menstruasi," ungkap Thomas.

8. Jangan Lupa Mengonsumsi Vitamin
Thomas juga menyarankan untuk mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung vitamin. Vitamin E yang didapat dari alpukat atau kuning telur dapat bantu menghilangkan beberapa gejala PMS. Vitamin C dan zinc dapat menjaga kesehatan sel telur dan sistem reproduksi. Jadi tak ada alasan bagi Anda untuk tidak mengonsumsi jeruk dan strawberry.
14:59:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Perempuan dilarang makan ini saat haid

Tubuh dan mood perempuan dipengaruhi dengan kondisi masa bersih dan masa menstruasinya. Sejumlah gejala seperti kram, mual, nyeri dan sakit kepala juga dirasakan selama menstruasi akibat kontraksi rahim.

Kebanyakan wanita mengalami gejala-gejala melelahkan dan menguras fisik selama menstruasi karena kurangnya nutrisi yang tepat. Tapi sembarang mengonsumsi makanan tanpa memerhatikan kandungan manfaatnya juga bisa merugikan tubuhnya.

Berikut adalah beberapa makanan dan minuman yang harus dihindari selama menstruasi:

Kafein adalah salah satu minuman utama untuk dihindari saat menstruasi. Hal ini karena kafein akan menyempitkan pembuluh darah Anda, yang pada akhirnya akan mengakibatkan kepala pusing dan tubuh semakin gemetar.

Mengonsumsi kafein saat menstruasi juga akan menyebabkan tubuh Anda mengalami dehidrasi. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan ketidaknyamanan menstruasi. Karena Anda akan merasa haus terus menerus dan tubuh lemas.

Makanan dan minuman dengan kadar gula tinggi
Hindari makanan atau minuman yang memiliki kandungan gula yang terlalu tinggi seperti permen, soda atau safron selama periode menstruasi Anda. Hal ini karena makanan dan minuman dengan kadar gula tinggi akan menyebabkan gula darah naik dan crash. Ketika kadar gula darah Anda tiba-tiba crash, Anda akan mudah merasa kesal, rewel dan lesu.

Makanan panggang
Saat menstruasi, Anda sebaiknya jangan mengonsumsi makanan dari hasil olahan panggang. Hal ini untuk menghindari nyeri kram yang berlebih. Makanan panggang mengandung banyak asam lemak yang akan mendorong tingkat estrogen. Hal ini yang akan menyebabkan sakit secara tiba-tiba di dalam rahim. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan eskalasi kram menstruasi.

Makanan kaleng atau olahan
Selama periode menstruasi, Anda dianjurkan untuk menghindari makanan kaleng seperti olahan daging atau keju, kecap dan MSG, dan makanan kaleng yang mengandung 200mg sodium per porsi atau lebih.  Hal ini terjadi karena makanan kaleng atau olahan selalu mengandung sodium, dan natrium yang harus dihindari selama menstruasi karena menyebabkan retensi air dan membuat tubuh membengkak.

Biji-bijian olahan
Biji-bijian asli yang diolah dengan cara penambahan bumbu lainnya dan bahkan zat pengawet, maka akan hilang semua kandungan nutrisi yang terkandung di dalamnya. Mengonsumsi biji-bijian seperti ini akan berpengaruh pada kadar gula. Selain itu biji-bijian ini akan sangat mempengaruhi nafsu makan. Akibatnya akan dapat mempengaruhi gejala menstruasi.

Selain biji-bijian, makanan seperti pasta, nasi putih dan roti putih sebaiknya harus dihindari (dikuragi porsinya) jika Anda ingin mengurangi gejala kram saat menstruasi.

Nikmat sebagai makanan camilan, tapi gorengan mengandung tinggi lemak, yang juga dapat meningkatkan kadar estrogen. Makanan yang digoreng seperti kentang goreng, ayam goreng dan onion ring harus dihindari untuk menjaga tingkat estrogen yang stabil, untuk mengurangi nyeri dank ram saat menstruasi.
14:58:00 | 0 comments | Read More

15 Makanan untuk Mengecilkan Perut dan Pinggang

Ketika Anda sedang menjaga pola makan untuk berencana mengecilkan perut dan pinggang Anda, pilihlah makanan sehat yang rendah lemak, dengan tinggi serat dan protein. Hal ini dapat membantu Anda merasa kenyang lebih lama, dan dapat menciptakan tubuh yang sehat.

Menurut Rahmat Derocha, ahli diet dan diabetes di Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Kunci untuk mendapatkan bentuk tubuh yang Anda inginkan selain dari berolahraga, juga terletak dari makanan yang Anda konsumsi. Para ahli kesehatan mengatakan Anda harus memiliki persediaan makanan yang mengandung banyak serat untuk melancarkan pencernaan.

Berikut terdapat 15 makanan yang dapat membantu Anda merasa kenyang lebih lama dan dapat mengecilkan perut dan pinggang Anda :

Buah yang tergolong kedalam kategori rasberti seperti stroberi, blueberi, sangat baik untuk tubuh karena diperkaya vitamin C yang bermanfaat meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Selain mengandung serat yang baik untuk pencernaan dan fungsi usus, Anda juga merasa kenyang dalam jangka waktu lama bila mengonsumsi buah beri ini.

Pelatih Kesehatan Dr Lori Shemek merekomendasikan, untuk menambahkan paprika pada makanan Anda. "Mengkonsumsi paprika, 30 menit sebelum makan dapat meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh Anda hingga 25 persen, dan juga dapat membuat pembakaran kalori secara lebih cepat , hal ini juga membuat Anda merasa kenyang lebih lama," kata Shemek.

Kubis adalah sumber yang kaya akan vitamin K penting, hal ini juga membantu Anda untuk tidak kembung.

Kacang-kacangan, seperti kacang mete, almond dan lainnya sangat baik dan mengandung lemak tak jenuh. Studi memperlihatkan bahwa orang yang mengonsumsi kacang-kacangan secara teratur lebih memungkin menurunkan berat badan dengan lebih mudah.

Oatmeal menjadi makanan favorit bagi orang yang sadar diet. Makanan jenis ini mengurangi lemak berlebih di bagian perut. Makanan ini membantu menjaga kadar gula darah Anda, sehingga Anda tidak lapar secara tiba-tiba. Oatmeal memiliki kandungan serat yang baik untuk pencernaan.

Telur merupakan sarapan yang baik untuk tubuh. Berdasarkan penelitian, telur mengalahkan karbohidrat dalam hal mengenyangkan dan bisa membuat kita tahan untuk tidak memakan cemilan. Di sinilah terbukti telur mampu membantu menurunkan 65 persen berat tubuh.

7. Cabai merah
Bagi orang Asia, cabai bisa memicu nafsu makan. Tapi, bagi orang Barat, menambahkan sedikit rasa pedas pada makanan bisa menjadi cara efektif untuk menurunkan berat badan. Sepiring cabai cayyene atau jalapeno atau cabai merah mengandung Capsaicin, pemicu rasa pedas pada cabai, yang menurut para ilmuwan bisa menurunkan selera makan dan mengurangi jumlah makanan di kemudian harinya. Komponen yang sama pada cabai juga bisa menghilangkan cadangan lemak.
14:55:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Heavy coffee consumption linked to higher death risk

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 17 August 2013 | 14:38:00

Drinking more than 28 cups of coffee a week may be harmful for people younger than 55, according to a study.

The debate over coffee's health risks continues to brew. A new study, out Thursday, finds that heavy coffee consumption is associated with a higher death risk in men and women younger than 55.

In the study published online in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, men younger than 55 who drank more than 28 cups of coffee a week (four cups a day) were 56% more likely to have died from any cause. Women in that age range had a twofold greater risk of dying than other women. The study looked at 43,727 men and women ages 20-87 from 1971 to 2002.

"From our study, it seems safe to drink one to three cups of coffee a day," says the study's second co-author Xuemei Sui. "Drinking more than four cups of coffee a day may endanger health," says Sui, assistant professor of exercise science with the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina in Columbia. She defines a cup of coffee as 6 to 8 ounces.

The study did not find a higher death risk for adults 55 and older. Sui says there may be a bias — the research may not include unhealthy older people because they might have already died.

The reasons for the higher death risk among younger adults are not clear since experts through the years have found both health benefits and problems associated with coffee.

Sui says the caffeine in coffee can elevate heart rate as well as raise blood pressure and blood sugar levels. However, coffee is a major source of antioxidants, she says.

Sui says the study didn't find a significant association between coffee consumption and heart disease death. Further research is needed to look at any connection between coffee and cancer, she says.

Gregg Fonarow, co-chief of clinical cardiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, says, "Differences in other dietary factors, marital status and other socioeconomic factors that were not adjusted for in this study may account for some or all of these observations."

Fonarow, who was not involved in this research, says observational studies that survey people about their coffee intake and tie that to how many died from any cause have yielded mixed results.

Consider a 2012 study that found that coffee drinkers ages 50-71 had a lower risk of death than their peers who did not consume coffee. In that study, researchers from the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, and AARP found that the more coffee consumed, the more a person's death risk declined.

Joseph DeRupo, a spokesman for the National Coffee Association of USA, says the new study "presents findings that are out of step with prevailing science as well as with widely accepted research methods."

Because coffee still stirs debate, Sui says more research is needed. In the meantime, people should watch their coffee intake, she says. "Avoid excessive coffee drinking."

Source : www.usatoday.com
14:38:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Top 10 Controversial Psychiatric Disorders

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 7 August 2013 | 12:58:00

The proposed revisions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) have spurred debate over what illnesses to include in the essential psychiatric handbook. Everything from gender identity disorder to childhood mood swings has come under fire, and it's not the first time. The history of psychiatry is littered with impassioned fights over controversial diagnoses.

Gender identity disorder

Perhaps the most controversial of all current DSM disorders is gender identity disorder. Under the DSM-IV, people who feel that their physical gender does not match their true gender are diagnosed with gender identity disorder (GID). The DSM-5 proposals would revise the criteria for the disorder and change the name to the less-stigmatizing gender incongruence.

But to many, the DSM changes don't go far enough.

"To have gender incongruence in the DSM-5, as they've defined it, still leaves it open to a child being sent to be 'fixed' when a child doesn't have any problems," said Diane Ehrensaft, a clinical psychologist in Oakland, Calif., who specializes in gender identity issues in children.

In fact, the largest controversy over GID is about an area the DSM doesn't cover: treatment. Should kids who feel gender mismatched be allowed to define themselves, or should they be encouraged to identify with their physical gender? Those who argue for the latter see their role as helping kids get comfortable in their own skin. Those who argue for letting the child take the lead, like Ehrensaft, say that forcing a kid to live as an unwanted gender causes depression and anxiety.

Therapies like Ehrensaft's are relatively new, so there are no long-term studies comparing the two approaches. When it comes to examining differences in how the kids turn out, "We don't know," said Kenneth Zucker, a University of Toronto psychologist who advocates teaching kids to identify with their physical gender. "We should know in another 10 years."

Sex addiction

According to the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health, sex addiction is marked by a lack of control over one's sexual behavior. Sex addicts pursue sex despite negative consequences, can't set boundaries and obsess over sex even when they don't want to think about it. Self-described addicts report that they get no pleasure from their sexual behaviors, only shame.

This disorder has yet to darken the pages of the DSM, and it likely won't be included in the DSM-5, either. Instead, the APA is recommending the addition of a new sexual disorder called hypersexual disorder, which doesn't describe sex as an addiction, but could fit many people who are in treatment.


In perhaps the most famous psychiatric controversy of all, the APA did away with homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 after much protest by gay and lesbian activists. The change wasn't easy, but the weight of the scientific evidence suggested that same-sex attraction was a normal variant of sexuality among well-adjusted people.

Still, the APA included a diagnosis in the 1980 DSM-III called ego-dystonic homosexuality. This category was a compromise with psychiatrists who insisted that some gays and lesbians came to them looking for treatment. "This revision in the nomenclature provides the possibility of finding a homosexual to be free of psychiatric disorder, and provides a means to diagnose a mental disorder whose central feature is conflict about homosexual behavior," explained Robert Spitzer, a member of the APA's task force, in a 1973 position statement.

But ego-dystonic homosexuality was short-lived. The category didn't make sense to many psychiatrists, who argued that anxiety over sexual orientation could fit into already-existing categories, according to UC Davis psychologist Gregory Herek. In 1986, ego-dystonic homosexuality disappeared from the DSM.

Asperger's disorder

In 1994, Asperger's disorder, which is marked by normal intelligence and language abilities but poor social skills, made the DSM-IV. When the DSM-5 is published in 2013, the disorder may get the boot.

The reason? Research on Asperger's and high-functioning autism has failed to find a difference between the two diagnoses. Overlap between the two disorders is rampant (up to 44 percent of kids diagnosed with Asperger's or "other autism spectrum" labels actually met the criteria for high-functioning autism, according to a 2008 survey). If the proposed changes are adopted, people with Asperger's will be reclassified as having high-functioning autism.

But some Asperger's advocates disapprove. The high-functioning autism label doesn't always fit people with Asperger's, said Dania Jekel, the executive director of the Asperger's Association of New England, which opposes the change.

"People with Asperger's are going to be missed," Jekel said.

Childhood bipolar disorder

If diagnosing adults with a childhood disorder is controversial, so is diagnosing children with a disorder once thought to occur mainly in adults. Bipolar disorder, which is characterized by mood swings between depression and excitability, recently skyrocketed as a childhood disorder. Between 1994 and 2003, the number of doctor visits associated with childhood bipolar disorders went up 40-fold, according to a 2007 study in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry.

The problem, according to the APA, is that at least some of that increase is due to changes in the way psychiatrists diagnose bipolar in kids, not an actual increase in cases. To correct the issue, the APA is considering changes to the current bipolar criteria, as well as the addition of a new disorder, temper dysregulation with dysphoria. That disorder would apply to kids with persistent irritable moods and frequent temper tantrums, but has already drawn skepticism from some who believe it pathologizes normal kid behavior.

Adult ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a well-known childhood diagnosis. Kids with ADHD have trouble sitting still, paying attention and controlling their impulses. Only recently, however, have psychiatrists begun to diagnose ADHD in adults.

But just as ADHD in children was criticized as over-diagnosed, so is adult ADHD. A common accusation is that psychiatrists are conspiring with pharmaceutical companies to sell more ADHD drugs, writes New York University psychiatrist Norman Sussman in a March 2010 editorial in Psychiatry Weekly. However, adult ADHD is here to stay, Sussma writes: "The benefits of pharmacologic and behavioral therapies are well-established."

Dissociative identity disorder

Once known as multiple personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder was made famous by the book "Sybil" (Independent Pub Group, 1973), which was made into a movie of the same name in 1976. The film and book told the story of Shirley Mason, pseudonym Sybil, who was diagnosed as having 16 separate personalities as a result of physical and sexual abuse by her mother.

The book and the movie were hits, but the diagnosis soon came under fire. In 1995, psychiatrist Herbert Spiegel, who consulted on Mason's case, told the "New York Review of Books" that he believed Mason's "personalities" were created by her therapist, who — perhaps unwittingly — suggested that Mason's different emotional states were distinct personalities with names. Likewise, critics of the dissociative identity diagnosis argue that the disorder is artificial, perpetuated by well-meaning therapists who convince troubled and suggestible patients that their problems are due to multiple personalities.

Nonetheless, dissociative identity disorder has weathered this criticism and won't undergo any major changes in the DSM-5.

Narcissistic personality disorder

Someone with an inflated ego, need for constant praise and lack of empathy for others might sound like a shoe-in for psychotherapy. But the introduction of narcissistic personality disorder into the DSM in 1980 was not without controversy.

The biggest problem was that no one could agree on who had the disorder. Up to half of people diagnosed with a narcissistic personality also met the criteria for other personality disorders, like histrionic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder, according to a 2001 review in the Journal of Mental Health Counseling. Which diagnosis they got seemed almost arbitrary.

To solve the problem, the American Psychiatric Association has proposed big changes to the personality disorder section of the DSM-5 in 2010. The new edition would move away from specific personality disorders to a system of dysfunctional types and traits. The idea, according to the APA, is to cut out the overlap and create categories that would be useful for patients who have personality problems, not just full-blown disorders.

Penis envy

Sigmund Freud revolutionized psychiatry in the late 1800s and early 1900s with his theories on the unconscious state, talk therapy and psychosexual development. Nowadays, many of these theories — like his conclusion that young girls' sexual development is driven by jealousy over lack of a penis and sexual desire for their father — seem outdated.

But not everyone has consigned Freud to the dust heap. Organizations like the American Psychoanalytic Association still practice and promote Freudian-style psychoanalysis, and groups like the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society try to combine cutting-edge neuroscience research with Freud's century-old theories. How successful they'll be is unknown: A 2008 study in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association found that today's psychology departments rarely teach psychoanalysis.


In the Victorian era, hysteria was a catch-all diagnosis for women in distress. The symptoms were vague (discontentment, weakness, outbursts of emotion, nerves) and the history sexist (Plato blamed the wanderings of an "unfruitful" uterus).

The treatment for hysteria? "Hysterical paroxysm," also known as orgasm. Physicians would massage their patients' genitals either manually or with a vibrator, a task they found tedious but surprisingly uncontroversial. More contentious was the practice of putting "hysterical" women on bed rest or demanding that they not work or socialize, a treatment that often worsened anxiety or depression.

According to a 2002 editorial in the journal Spinal Cord, the diagnosis of hysteria gradually petered out throughout the 20th century. By 1980, hysteria disappeared from the DSM in favor of newer diagnoses like conversion and dissociative disorders.

Source : Livescience

Read also : Asperger's and Autism: Brain Differences Found
12:58:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Words to Leave off Your Résumé

When it comes to looking for a job, what you don't say can be just as important as what you do say. Here are nine phrases and words to leave off your résumé.


Try simply shows a lack of belief, passion, commitment, and confidence — all the qualities you need to succeed in today's tight job market. While try is the most dangerous word that an employee or job seeker can use in the workplace, there are certainly other danger words that also indicate negativity, uncertainty or controversy at work and can also doom your chances of getting (or keeping) a job.
Don't use common buzzwords such as innovative, team player and results-oriented. These and others are so overused that they're now seen as clichés and have lost their impact altogether. Rather, list specific accomplishments. Instead of saying you have extensive experience in sales, note that you've worked in sales for 10 years, hit your quota the last 12 quarters and note specific deals you've closed. As a hiring manager I want real details of past jobs, such as how many people you supervised or specific ways you helped increase profitability.— Darnell Clarke, author of self-published "Employmentology: A Practical Systematic Methodology of Finding Employment by a Hiring Manger"

References available upon request

When it comes to developing a strong résumé, there are many words and phrases which shouldn’t be included in this professional document. One of the most outdated happens to be the phrase: "references available by request." You’re not doing yourself a favor by wasting precious space on your résumé to include a phrase that is clearly understood by hiring managers and recruiters. If a hiring manager is interested in contacting your references, they will request the information from you. – Heather Huhman, founder and  president of Come Recommended

Irrelevant and outdated experience

Oftentimes I will see candidates that still have their high school work experience on their résumé. This is a huge mistake since it looks like the candidate is reaching for items to include on their résumé. Rather, include any recent projects that challenged you and include a similar skill set for the position you are applying for. — Patrice Rice, CEO and founder of Patrice & Associates


Candidates should never put an objective on their résumé. Their objective is to get the job. It has been my experience that hiring managers simply do not care about a job seeker's objective. What they want to see are your skills and experience. – Stefanie Carrabba, senior consultant at Eliassen Group

Responsibilities include

In today's tough job economy job seekers need résumés that are leaner and cleaner than ever before, so they command the attention of busy hiring personnel. This is why the phrase "responsible for'' should never occur in a résumé. This tired and completely impractical expression is going to be translated into completely average at and will most certainly cause hiring managers to toss the résumé aside. Wasting prime résumé real estate with basic tasks, duties, or responsibilities is a sure way to harm a job search since nobody is interested in reading a career obituary of basic requirements. – Adrienne Tom, founder and certified professional resume writer (CPRW) at Career Impressions

Vague claims

I was going through a large number of résumés last week for a search project that I am working on and about 75 percent of the candidates had the phrase "transformational leader'" on their résumé. No explanations of how they were transformational or what that meant. That phrase is overused and doesn't specifically mean anything that translates to a specific experience. My recommendation is to remove this from your résumé and more specifically describe the skill set. – Kimberly Bishop, founder and CEO of Kimberly Bishop Executive Recruiting


As in I'd love to work for a company. I see it all the time when people ask me to take a look at their résumé and/or cover letter. You love your significant other, your kids, your family. You shouldn't put love on a cover letter or résumé! — Dayna Steele, speaker and author of "101 Ways to Rock Your World" (iUniverse 2012)

Qualitative descriptions

I would leave off any qualitative description that is not accompanied by an example or metric. Some of the words job seekers use in a summary that are glossed over such as seasoned, experienced, creative and innovative. Just give me years of experience and what exactly did you start or improve. —  Caroline Ceniza-Levine, career and business expert at SixFigureStart
12:45:00 | 0 comments | Read More

50+ Job Skills You Should List on Your Resume

There are lots of reasons it might be hard to cobble together a decent resume. Maybe you've been unemployed for a long time, maybe you're trying to switch careers or maybe you're a mom who's been home raising kids for a few years.

Whatever your situation, there's good news. Resumes are changing. Your skills are just as valuable as your formal employment and can help sell your resume to a potential employer.

Ford R. Myers, career coach, speaker and author of the book "Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring" (John Wiley & Sons, 2009) encourages job seekers to draw on a variety of past experiences, in both paid and non-paid positions, when applying for new employment.

"These transferable skills, acquired during any activity - volunteer positions, classes, projects, parenting, hobbies, sports - can be applicable to one's next job," Myers said.  "By adding transferable skills to a resume, employers get a better understanding and broader picture of who they are hiring - as well as the interests, values and experiences that the candidate brings to the table."

Myers divided transferrable skills into five broad skill areas and gives examples of how you can describe each:

Communication :  writes clearly and concisely, speaks effectively, listens attentively, openly expresses ideas, negotiates/resolves differences, leads group discussions, provides feedback, persuades others, provides well-thought out solutions, gathers appropriate information, confidently speaks in public

Interpersonal Skills :  works well with others, sensitive, supportive, motivates others, shares credit, counsels, cooperates, delegates effectively, represents others, understands feelings, self-confident, accepts responsibility

Research and Planning :  forecasts/predicts, creates ideas, identifies problems, meets goals, identifies resources, gathers information, solves problems, defines needs, analyzes issues, develops strategies, assesses situations

Organizational Skills :  handles details, coordinates tasks, punctual, manages projects effectively, meets deadlines, sets goals, keeps control over budget, plans and arranges activities, multi-tasks

Management Skills :  leads groups, teaches/trains/instructs, counsels/coaches, manages conflict, delegates responsibility, makes decisions, directs others, implements decisions, enforces policies, takes charge.
12:42:00 | 0 comments | Read More

25 Action Words to Include on Your Resume

While work experience and education are all important parts of a resume, so too is the way in which it is written.

Experts agree that the actual words jobseekers use when writing their resume could be the difference between in catching an employer's eye and getting lost at the bottom of the pile. In addition to highlighting job skills, the University of Michigan Career Center also advises its students to use a variety of action verbs to help make their resume pop.

Among some of the verbs they recommend using include:

  • Advised
  • Compiled
  • Critiqued
  • Coached
  • Designed
  • Directed
  • Established
  • Examined
  • Generated
  • Guided
  • Hypothesized
  • Illustrated
  • Improved
  • Influenced
  • Invented
  • Motivated
  • Negotiated
  • Ordered
  • Oversaw
  • Prepared
  • Recruited
  • Resolved
  • Supervised
  • Trained
  • Upgraded

Among the words employers encourage job candidates to leave off their resume are try, love, seasoned, experienced, creative and innovative.
12:40:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Are College Degrees Worth the Money?

Investments in higher education may not be paying off for a majority of college graduates. New research has found that just 35 percent of working adults with at least a bachelor's degree say that most of what they learned in school is applicable to their current career choice.

Despite those feelings, workers do see value in a college education for the most part. Fifty-one percent of workers say they have been able to apply at least some of the things they learned in college to their job. Just 13 percent of workers say none of what they learned is applicable to their job, while 7 percent say that all of what they learned is applicable to their  job.

Respondents may feel that way because they have a number of regrets about their education as well. Almost three-quarters of adults say they have regrets, the biggest of which is not pursuing additional schooling. Workers also regret not applying themselves, not focusing on academics and not picking a different college major.
A smaller percentage of college graduates say they regret not pursuing internships while in school and not applying the information they learned in school to real-world situations.

"The survey suggests the need for higher education to adapt to the needs of the market and prepare students for specific jobs and careers," said Sam Sanders, college chairman for the University of Phoenix School of Business, which conducted the research. "There is significant progress being made in America to tie curriculum to careers earlier in a student’s education, but there is still a lot of work to be done to prepare college graduates for specific careers and grow a more competitive work force."

The research was based on the responses of more than 1,600 full-time, part-time and self-employed workers.
12:37:00 | 0 comments | Read More

6 Facts About Jesus

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 6 August 2013 | 03:26:00

He may be the most famous man who ever lived, but surprisingly little is known about his life.

This Sunday (March 31), more than 2 billion Christians will celebrate Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead. While there is no scientific way to know whether that supernatural event at the heart of Christianity actually happened, historians have established some facts about his life.

From his birth to his execution by the Romans, here are six facts about the historical Jesus.

1. His birth … in a manger?

Most historians believe Jesus was a real man. To test the veracity of biblical claims, historians typically compare Christian accounts of Jesus' life with historical ones recorded by Romans and Jews, most notably the historians Flavius Josephus and Cornelius Tacitus.

And though a manger may or may not have figured prominently in the birth, scholars do agree that Jesus was born between 2 B.C. and 7 B.C. as part of the peasant class in a small village called Nazareth in Galilee. Historians also back the claim that Joseph, Jesus' father, was a carpenter, meaning Jesus would have gone into the family profession as well.

2. A mystical baptism

One of the pivotal moments in the New Testament is Jesus' baptism in the wilderness by a radical mystic named John the Baptist. Most historians believe this event actually occurred, and that Jesus experienced some sort of vision that led him to begin preaching. In the New Testament, Mark 1:10 (The New American Bible, Revised Edition) describes Jesus seeing "the heavens being torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him." Jesus is then tempted by Satan in the wilderness for 40 days, the passage continues.

The Jewish historian Josephus mentions the mystical activities of John the Baptist, as well as his execution by King Herod.

3. Reformer

After his vision, Jesus began to preach that the Earth could be changed into a "Kingdom of God." Jesus' message of reform was deeply rooted in the Jewish tradition, and he likely never viewed himself as creating a new religion per se — just reforming the one he was born into, scholars say.

4. A wise teacher

Josephus not only mentions Jesus, in one passage he also describes him as a wise man and a teacher. (The passage is controversial because many historians believe a Christian author later added in phrases such as "He was the messiah" to the text, leading a few scholars to doubt the authenticity of the passage as a whole). Most historians agree, however, that Jesus was viewed as a teacher and healer in Galilee and Judea.

5. Timing of Jesus' crucifixion

Several sources mention Jesus' crucifixion at the hands of Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect. Christian Gospels say the skies darkened for hours after the crucifixion, which historians viewed either as a miracle or a portent of dark times to come. Using astronomy, later historians have used this mention to pinpoint the death of Christ. Some tie the crucifixion to a one-minute 59-second total solar eclipse that occurred in 29 C.E., whereas others say a second total eclipse, blocking the sun for four minutes and six seconds, in 33 C.E. marked Jesus' death. (C.E. stands for Common Era or Christian Era, and is an alternative name for anno Domini, or A.D.)

Death by crucifixion was one of the goriest ends the Romans meted out, and it was typically reserved for slaves and those seen to be challenging Roman authority.

6. Historical relics

The historical veracity of various physical relics, such as the crucifixion nails and crown of thorns Jesus wore on the cross, have decidedly less historical or scientific backing. Most scientific studies suggest that these relics originated long after Jesus died. But the most famous relic of Jesus, the shroud of Turin, may be on more solid footing: Whereas some parts of the shroud date to A.D. 1260, other analyses have suggested that the shroud is about as old as Jesus.

Another more recent finding, a scrap of papyrus from the early Christian era referring to Jesus' wife was unveiled last year, to much skepticism. Since then, evidence has come out to suggest the so-called Gospel of Jesus' Wife is a forgery, though the jury may still be out on that relic.

Source : Livescience
03:26:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Asperger's and Autism: Brain Differences Found

Written By Unknown on Monday, 5 August 2013 | 15:47:00

Children with Asperger's syndrome show patterns of brain connectivity distinct from those of children with autism, according to a new study. The findings suggest the two conditions, which are now in one category in the new psychiatry diagnostic manual, may be biologically different.

The researchers used electroencephalography (EEG) recordings to measure the amount of signaling occurring between brain areas in children. They had previously used this measure of brain connectivity to develop a test that could distinguish between children with autism and normally developing children.

"We looked at a group of 26 children with Asperger's, to see whether measures of brain connectivity would indicate they're part of autism group, or they stood separately," said study researcher Dr. Frank Duffy, a neurologist at Boston's Children Hospital. The study also included more than 400 children with autism, and about 550 normally developing children, who served as controls

At first, the test showed that children with Asperger's and those with autism were similar: both showed weaker connections, compared with normal children, in a region of the brain's left hemisphere called the  arcuate fasciculus, which is involved in language.

However, when looking at connectivity between other parts of the brain, the researchers saw differences. Connections between several regions in the left hemisphere were stronger in children with Asperger's than in both children with autism and normally developing children.

The results suggest the conditions are related, but there are physiological differences in brain connectivity that distinguish children with Asperger's from those with autism, according to the study published Wednesday (July 31) in the journal BMC Medicine.

"The findings are exciting, and the methods are sophisticated," said Dr. James McPartland, a professor of child psychiatry at Yale University, who was not involved in the study.

Although the study included a reasonable number of children, like any new finding, the research needs to be replicated in future studies, McPartland said.

People with Asperger’s syndrome experience difficulties with social interaction, and can display unusual behaviors, such as repeating the same action or being excessively attached to performing certain routines. These symptoms overlap with those of autism disorder, however, children with Asperger's tend to show language and cognitive development that is closer to that of normal children, compared with children with autism.

Recently, the American Psychiatric Association decided to eliminate Asperger's syndromefrom the newest revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5) and instead put it alongside autism under an umbrella term, autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

The APA's decision raised voices of concern from several places. Parents worried that their children with Asperger's might not receive the special training they need, and experts said it was premature to combine the two conditions under one groupwhen it cannot be ruled out that there are biological differences.

"At present, it is hard to know whether [the new findings] reflect a core, intrinsic difference between Asperger's and autism, or whether it is a reflection of developing with different characteristics," McPartland said.

Duffy said the new findings fit with the notion that autism and Asperger's syndrome are similar in some respects; for example, both have difficulty getting along with other people.

However, stronger connectivity among the left hemisphere brain areas in children with Asperger's may be what makes people with Asperger's special in terms of their personalities and abilities, Duffy said.

"It's essential to separate these two groups, because they need different education and training and opportunity," he said.

Source : Livescience
15:47:00 | 0 comments | Read More

5 Reasons Being a Woman Is Good for Your Health

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 13 June 2013 | 14:15:00

No one said it was easy being a woman. But it does have some advantages for example, women outlive men by five years on average.

Research indicates that women also have a lower risk than men of developing several medical conditions. Here's a look at five of them:

Parkinson's disease

Based on an analysis of seven studies, University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers reported that men are 1.5 times more likely than women to develop Parkinson's disease.

One reason for the difference, the researchers said in their 2004 study in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, may be that estrogen protects women against the neurodegenerative disorder. The effect, however, was not well understood.

Among those who have Parkinson's, some symptoms may be more pronounced in women. For example, female patients suffered more chronic fatigue than male patients did in a study conducted by researchers at Akershus University Hospital in Norway and published last year in the journal Movement Disorders.

Liver cancer

Women are less likely than men to develop hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common type of liver cancer. The incidence rate for men is approximately three times higher, according to a 2010 report by the CDC.

Researchers at the University of Bologna in Italy reached a similar conclusion in 2001 after studying 417 Italian patients, 313 of them with liver cirrhosis (a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma) and the rest with hepatocellular carcinoma. The study appeared in the journal Gut.

And women with fatal cases of liver cancer may live months longer than men with the disease. University of Pittsburgh researchers discovered that women whose tumors could not be surgically removed lived five months longer, on average, according to a 2008 study published in Hepatology International.


Of the estimated 68,000 people in the United States who were diagnosed with melanoma in 2010, nearly 39,000 or 57 percent were men, according to the National Cancer Institute.

One reason for the lower incidence rate among women could be that they take more preventive steps in protecting their skin. In a survey of 31,428 Americans by Centracare Clinic researchers in Minnesota last year, 11.2 percent of women said they stay in the shade, compared with 6.2 percent of men. The study appeared in the American Journal of Surgery.

(Beyond gender, University of Texas Medical Branch researchers found an association between melanoma rates and people's income. Melanoma was more common among Americans with higher incomes, who perhaps more commonly exposed themselves to the sun. However, those who were less well off were more likely to be diagnosed at later stages of the disease and had worse survival rates, according to a 2005 review published in Medical Science Monitor.)

Barrett's esophagus

Women seem less likely than men to develop Barrett's esophagus, a condition in which the lining of the esophagus is damaged by stomach acid. The condition was half as common in women as men among Mayo Clinic patients being treated for esophageal problems, according to a 2006 study published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology.

Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch also found that Barrett's esophagus was more common among men. Their 2009 study was published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences.

And in examining hospitalizations linked with gastroesophageal reflux disease last year, researchers at the Portland VA Medical Center in Oregon said they found both Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer to be more common in male than female patients. The study appeared in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

Female sex hormones may protect women from developing Barrett's esophagus, but further work is needed to understand the differences, researchers at University of Regensburg in Germany wrote in a 2009 review in the journal Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie.

Head and neck cancers

Women are about one-third as likely as men to develop squamous cancers of the head and neck, according to a 2005 study published in the cancer journal CA. (Squamous cancers arise from thin, flat cells found in the skin's surface and the lining of the body's organs and passages.) And National Cancer Institute researchers found that male smokers had higher incidence rates of head and neck cancer than female smokers, according to a 2007 study in the journal Cancer.

In a study published in Cancer last year, researchers suggested that higher estrogen and progesterone levels may lower women's risk for head and neck cancers and cancers of the upper gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach and esophagus.

Source : Livescience.com
14:15:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Why Men and Women Lie About Sex

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 12 June 2013 | 12:44:00

For decades, stereotypes about gender and sex were bolstered by surveys in which men reported far more sexual partners than women. But a 2003 paper in the Journal of Sex Research found that if study participants thought they were hooked up to a lie detector, men and women would report the same number of sexual partners on average.

The results suggested women were the ones lying when they thought they could get away with it, likely being coy about how many people they'd had sex with to avoid being seen as promiscuous.

Apparently, not much has changed in the past decade. Even as many stereotypes fade, both men and women still feel pressure to meet gender expectations when it comes to sex, a new study shows.
Nearly 300 college students participated in the research, completing a questionnaire that asked how often they engaged in 124 different behaviors. A previous study determined which of those habits were thought of as stereotypically masculine — for example, wearing dirty clothes and telling dirty jokes — and which were believed to be more common among women, including writing poetry and fibbing about body weight.

When some of the students filled out the questionnaire, they were hooked up to a polygraph machine or lie detector. Unbeknownst to those participants, the lie detector wasn't actually working.

For non-sexual behaviors, the participants didn't seem to feel pressured to report what they did in a way that conformed to conventional gender roles. For instance, women attached to the fake lie detector were just as likely as the polygraph-free women to say they took part in stereotypical male activities like lifting weights, the researchers said.

But for the questions about sexual experience, a gap emerged.

"There is something unique about sexuality that led people to care more about matching the stereotypes for their gender," said researcher Terri Fisher, an Ohio State University professor of psychology who also authored the 2003 study.

Men reported fewer sexual partners when they were hooked up to the lie detector, whereas women reported more partners when they were attached to the polygraph, Fisher and colleagues found.

"Men and women had different answers about their sexual behavior when they thought they had to be truthful," Fisher added in a statement. "Sexuality seemed to be the one area where people felt some concern if they didn't meet the stereotypes of a typical man or a typical woman."

The research was detailed in a recent issue of the journal Sex Roles.
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Top 10 Bad Things That Are Good For You


The newest bad kid on the block, beer has long been overshadowed by its healthier alcoholic cousins. While no one's suggesting you switch that glass of antioxidant-rich Pinot Noir for a tall glass of lager-there's still that beer gut to worry about-new research has suggested that moderate beer intake can actually improve cardiovascular function. Now if only a scientist will discover the health benefits of ballpark franks and chicken wings. Heaven.


If you're one of those people who tends to bottle things up, only to explode ... don't hold it in so long. Studies show that bursts of anger here and there are good for the health, and can be an even more effective coping mechanism than becoming afraid, irritated or disgusted. Anger, like the consumables in this list, however, is best in moderation: stay angry for long periods of time and you'll be plagued with a host of health issues, like blood pressure, sleep disorders and lung damage.


Java is one of the most debated substances around. Is it good for you? Is it bad for you? Both? The consensus, now anyways, seems to favor those who enjoy their morning jolt — unrelated studies claim coffee is a major source of antioxidants in our diet and can help lower your risk of diabetes. Something in the beans is also thought to ease the onset of cirrhosis of the liver and pancreatitis, good news for those who like to party hard all night before their morning caffeine boost.


We're definitely not in the business of advocating drug use. But check out this interesting science: In heavy drinkers, small doses of LSD have been thought to help bypass the rock-bottom stage of alcoholism and prevent relapses. These studies-some decades old-were done in closely monitored, clinical settings; many patients haven't had a drink in the many years since. It's an interesting finding that needs a lot more investigation, and not a remedy that should ever be tried at home. Meantime, and this may come as no surprise, recent study of 36 volunteers who took an LSD-like drug in a lab setting had them reporting mystical experiences and behavior changes that lasted for weeks.


Exposure to the sun's rays is necessary to survive, but can also kill youin gross, cancerous quantities. Asthmatics, at least, could benefit from measured doses of ultraviolet rays, according to scientists. Sunlight suppressed the immune reactions that cause asthma in some lab studies with mice and could be used to treat humans afflicted with the disease in the future. And sunlight-even if indirect, such as on a shaded porch-is known to boost the mood. Extra sunlight can help office workers avoid afternoon drowsiness, a recent study found. There's still no excuse to head outside and bake, however.


They're creepy, slimy and altogether ooky, but maggots can save your life. These squirmy larvae are science's newest wonder-cure and were approved in 2003 as the Food & Drug Administration's only live medical device. Placed on serious wounds, maggots mimic their "wild" lifestyle and munch on bacteria and dead tissue, stimulating healing and helping to prevent infection.


It's medicinal, we swear! Marijuana, often associated with memory loss, is ironically now being hyped as a way to stave off the ultimate form of memory loss: Alzheimer's. Recent studies on mice suggest that anti-inflammatories found in the drug prevent the clumping of brain proteins, one major cause of the disease. So when should you start preventative therapy? We suggest waiting for the human studies to wrap up.

Red Wine

A crucial ingredient in the diets of the world's heart-healthiest populations-like those Bordeaux-guzzling French-red wine has long been known to have potent anti-cancer and artery-protecting benefits. The key, some studies indicate, is an antioxidant found specifically in the skin of red wine grapes, called resveratrol. The latest studies even link resveratrol to greater endurance, a reduction in gum disease and Alzheimer's. White wine, which is fermented after the skins are removed, is less beneficial according to some studies.


Chocolate lovers rejoice: study after study lately has touted the magical benefits of the indulgent treat, which is packed with the antioxidant flavonols that prevent certain cancers and keep your arteries from clogging. The most recent news? These powerful chemicals may even increase blood flow to the brain, warding off dementia. Just stick to the highest cocoa content possible-the bars packed with sugar don't help your health one bit.


Scientists have found that the benefits of sex go beyond immediate, ahem, gratification and satisfying the goal of procreation. Besides the obvious evolutionary purposes, we can all take pleasure in the news that having sex is an easy way to reduce stress, lower cholesterol and improve circulation throughout the body. As if you needed another excuse.
12:41:00 | 0 comments | Read More

10 New Ways to Eat Well

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 1 June 2013 | 14:35:00

The boring, old rules of healthy eating are landing on the scrap heap as new research uncovers the intricate ways nutrients work within our bodies. The result? Some surprising shifts in what should really be on our plates – and more food flexibility and fun as well. Here are 10 things you might not have known about eating well:

1. Trans fat is out, but good fats are in
"'Fat-free' used to mean healthy, but now we know that's totally wrong" said Minh-Hai Tran, a registered dietitian in private practice in Seattle. 

While certain lipids, such as trans fats, are still known to be bad for us (and probably always will be), it’s not a good idea to lump all fats together into one group, Tran said. Numerous studies have shown that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and fish oil supplements promote heart and brain health, and a 2009 study in the journal BMC Cancer found they also lower the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women.
Omega-3s, which also have been found to improve conditions such as arthritis, high cholesterol and attention disorders, are found in many grains, seeds and nuts as well.

2. A yolk a day may keep the doctor away
Forget the egg-white omelet and egg substitute: the healthiest part of the egg may be the yolk. Growing research indicates that the nutrient choline, which is similar to a B vitamin, is deficient in many adults and more important than once thought, Tran said.
Egg yolks are one of the richest sources of choline, along with butter (surprise!), peanuts, soybeans and oats. Choline is an essential part of most cell membranes, particularly in brain cells, Tran said.

3. Celebrate culture – of all kinds

More ethnic foods than ever before can be found in U.S. restaurants and markets, and eating them does more than expand your palate. Eating fermented or cultured foods such as kefir (a Turkish milk drink), tamari (a dark, smoky Japanese soy sauce), kimchi (a Korean vegetable dish) and miso (a thick Japanese condiment) promotes the growth of healthful bacteria in our intestines, said Laura Knoff, a licensed nutritionist in Oakland, Calif. 
"Look for the words 'raw' or 'contains live cultures' on labels," said Knoff, who's written two nutrition-related books. Also known as probiotics, these bacteria can enhance protein and mineral absorption and improve conditions such as constipation, colitis and heartburn.

4. Hungry or thirsty? That is the question

Many people confuse hunger and thirst, deciding to eat when they really just needed some plain old H2O, said Sharon Richter, a registered dietitian in private practice in New York City.
"Eating is an automatic go-to, while drinking is perceived as boring," Richter said. "If you think you're hungry, have a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. If you're still hungry, then eat."

5. Behold the mighty potato

Once reviled for their high carbohydrate content, potatoes are now being appreciated for their many health benefits, including their ability to lower blood pressure. A 2010 report by the American Dietetic Association found that potatoes' high potassium levels can lower blood pressure by prompting the kidneys to excrete excess sodium from the body.
More than 55 percent of Americans either have high blood pressure or are close to having it, according to the association, and the condition significantly increases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Other potassium-rich foods include white beans, orange juice and plain yogurt.

6. Cinnamon does more than spice up your muffins

This sweet spice, used most often to pep up pancakes, toast, oatmeal or buns, has a long and storied history that includes being used in the ancient Egyptians' embalming process. But it may also do more than make our food taste better.
A 2003 study in the journal Diabetes Care of five dozen people with Type 2 diabetes showed that the daily addition of cinnamon to their diet lowered blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels after 40 days.

7. Losing weight requires a lifestyle change, not dieting
Many overweight people may have been better off if they had never dieted at all. A 2007 study in the journal American Psychologist showed that after two to five years, the majority of dieters in 31 separate, long-term diet studies who initially lost 5 to 10 percent of their body weight regained all the weight and then some.

"Something about restricting food creates an unhealthy food preoccupation," Tran said. "Eating right needs to be a lifestyle, not a diet, and not distract you from your own healthy internal cues."

8. Eating a healthy breakfast helps you eat better all day long

Of nearly 3,000 people who maintained a 30-pound (or more) weight loss for at least a year, 78 percent reported eating breakfast every day, according to 2002 study in the journal Obesity Research. The findings suggest this simple measure is an important weight loss and maintenance tactic, the researchers wrote.

"Breakfast does help jump-start the metabolism, and those who eat it tend to eat a little less throughout the day," Tran said. "Skipping meals leads to excess hunger, and any time your hunger reaches ravenous levels, you’re more vulnerable to overeating."

9. Raise a glass for a smaller waist

Moderate drinkers who average one or two alcoholic beverages per day have narrower waists and less belly fat, Tran said. This could be due to the fact that drinking alcohol temporarily speeds the metabolism.

However "there's definitely a fine line," she said. "Drink too much alcohol and hunger increases and food inhibitions drop along with your blood sugar."

10. Some supplements may be worth their weight

For two nutrients, mounting evidence has shown that taking supplements may be beneficial: vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.
For example, a 2003 study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that more than half of 93 Hawaiian surfers were deficient in vitamin D. If those who live and play in sunshine — a key to the body's production of vitamin D — are deficient, then the common recommendation to allow sun exposure to the hands and face for 15 minutes may not ensure vitamin D sufficiency for the rest of us, the researchers wrote.
The National Institutes of Health has also warned that many Americans cannot produce as much as needed from the sun exposure alone.
And very few foods contain vitamin D, which is crucial to bone health and immune function. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends adults get at least 400 IU of vitamin D each day, with the help of supplements if necessary. [Related: 9 Good Sources of Vitamin D] 
Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid also found in relatively few foods. Among its many health benefits, omega-3s promote brain function and help prevent heart disease by decreasing the amount of inflammation produced in the body. 

The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and herring at least twice a week, as well as taking fish oil supplements.

Source : Livescience
14:35:00 | 0 comments | Read More

Normal of Not? How Coffee Drinking May Brew a Mental Disorder

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 30 May 2013 | 18:18:00

With the release of the latest edition of the mental health manual, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSM), LiveScience takes a close look at some of the disorders it defines. This series asks the fundamental question: What is normal, and what is not?

Coffee-drinkers, beware: Your caffeine habit could induce a temporary mental disorder. The new edition of the mental health manual, the DSM-5, lists caffeine intoxication among the many disorders known to psychiatry.

Restlessness, nervousness, excitement, red face, gastrointestinal upset, muscle twitching, rambling speech, sleeplessness, rapid and irregular heartbeat and other symptoms may be familiar to many of us, but they are telltale signs of caffeine intoxication.

Specifically, a coffee drinker who experiences five or more of these symptoms during or shortly after consuming caffeine could be diagnosed with caffeine intoxication. The intoxication must also meet a standard DSM test: It must cause distress or impair the drinker's ability to function. [10 Odd Facts About Coffee]

This condition appears in both the old edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-IV) and the new DSM-5, but the new version, officially released Thursday (May 22), adds a related diagnosis: caffeine withdrawal, which describes the effects of stopping or dramatically reducing the pick-me-up habit.

Withdrawal symptoms include headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, depressed mood and other issues.

Caffeine is the most widely used, behaviorally active drug in the world, and some consumers may be unaware of their physical dependence on it, the DSM-5 notes.

"The symptoms of caffeine withdrawal are transitory, they take care of themselves," said Robin Rosenberg, a clinical psychologist and co-author of the psychology textbook "Abnormal Psychology" (Worth Publishers, 2009). "It's just a natural response to stopping caffeine, and it clears up on its own in short order."

The more long-standing diagnosis of caffeine intoxication also describes a temporary state, Rosenberg said, adding that she does not understand why either is included in the DSM.

Alan Budney, who served on the DSM-5 working group for substance-use disorders, explained the rationale for including caffeine withdrawal to Medscape Medical News in 2011.

"Caffeine is invading our society more and more. So there's concern enough to consider this topic seriously, even though it's probably one of the more controversial issues faced by our work group," said Budney, a clinical psychologist and professor of psychiatry at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

Caffeine withdrawal can affect someone's sleep, work and other aspects of his or her life, he said.

Typically, caffeine is used as a performance-enhancing substance. A bitter-tasting stimulant, it revs up the central nervous system, ideally making someone feel awake, alert and energetic. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea and chocolate, and is added to headache medication, energy and alcoholic beverages, and even water.

Everyone from athletes to morning commuters to people looking to get in a long night of partying take advantage of this stimulant. Some benefits, such as a reduced risk of some cancers, have been linked to coffee drinking, but its active ingredient, caffeine, can also harm. In rare cases when consumed at high enough doses, caffeine can kill.

Between 2005 and 2009, emergency room visits associated with the consumption of caffeine-laden energy drinks, often in combination with alcohol and other drugs, increased tenfold.

Of course, caffeine is not the only chemical that can intoxicate. The DSM groups this disorder with others associated with substances ranging from alcohol and nicotine to cannabis and hallucinogens. The use of mind-altering substances like these can alter behavior, mental processes and cause physical symptoms.

Source : Livescience.com
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